the first day

the first day

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Day We Met.

Well this is our blog so I wanted to start it out right and tell about Jason and I.  This is our story, well my side.  I'll have him tell his side later.

Jason and I met in one of our classes at BYU Idaho.  The class was called Personal Achievements.  We met in April at the beginning of the summer semester.  The first day of class I went into class picked a seat near the back because the back makes me feel comfortable.  Then I waited for class to start.  As I was waiting I watched the people come into class and two boys sat next to me.  This boy named Skyler sat to the right of me and another boy named Jason sat behind me.  Well I am not much for talking to anyone or saying anything in class on the first few days of class, I just don't feel comfortable enough to.  Anyway I just had this strong feeling/prompting to say hi to the guy behind me, which was Jason.  Haha so I thought to my self really?  I don't want to talk to him.  So I sat in my seat a little longer and then the same feeling/prompting came again only stronger.  So I said okay, I will talk to him.  I also had to talk to the boy next to me (Skyler) because I didn't want to make him feel bad.  So I turned so I was facing both Jason and Skyler and started talking.  I am sure I sounded lame, but I wasn't used to doing it, I was just obeying a prompting.   So I said hi, where are you guys from?  Jason said Idaho Falls, in a very strong Mexican accent, haha and I couldn't help but chuckle to myself.  Skyler then said, I am from North Carolina.  I said oh, wow, cool.  Then there was a long awkward pause and no one was willing to ask the next question.  So I said, where did you guys serve your missions?  Jason said, I served mine in Tampico Mexico, in his very strong Mexican accent.  I laughed and said, well that makes sense.  Then Skyler said, I served Paraguay.  I said, okay cool.  There was again another very long awkward pause.  I said, so... what are you guys studying in school?  Jason said, I am studying international business with a minor in Spanish.  I said oh, wow, that's cool!  Then Skyler said, something, but I can't remember what he said now haha.   Anyway after all that the boys weren't really helping the conversation move a long so I just stopped talking.   

So after Jason and I were dating and even after we got married I asked him what he thought/felt on that first day we met.  And do you know what his reply was?  Haha well his reply was, he didn't remember that day.  I was soooooo bummed!  I was like really???  After all the promptings I got and the work I did, you remember nothing!?  Hahah, crazy huh?  Well I've since then forgiven him for that.  Anyway that was how we met.

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